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Caravan Megastore is the trading name of Renishaw Caravan Accessories. Renishaw Caravan Accessories has one of the largest awning showrooms in the UK and a wide range of caravan accessories and outdoor leisure equipment.


Milenco Limited is the worlds market leading manufacturer of award winning, towing mirrors, high security caravan wheelclamps, hitchlocks, caravanning steps and levels. Milenco also produces a wide range of quality accessories for all your caravanning and motorhome use.


Corner Steady Lock Milenco caravan security products are quite simply the best you can buy, yet at a price you can afford.

Milenco Corner Steady Lock is simple to fit, it is of the very finest design, and offers an improved high security and is of a robust design. Unlike many other Corner Steady Locks that can easily be overcome by pliers used to turn the shaft and raise the leg, all Milenco Corner Steady Locks, lock the central shaft from turning.

They are available in Standard in singles and twin pack and can be purchased from all good caravan retailers.

Milenco Corner Steady Lock Twinpack Keyed Alike

SKU: 3094
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